The 7-Day Authentic Video Challenge!

Get started creating video! For all levels.
The 7-Day Authentic Video Challenge!

Congratulations! You're in the club.
Are you ready to start making video content?!

Each day of the challenge, you'll receive an e-mail with a primer on authentic video creation and a prompt for making your own content.

Any minute now you should receive the first e-mail of the micro-course.

Try to take it seriously! This could be a powerful activity for you.

Haven't received a welcome e-mail yet?

Check your spam folder! (and hit 'reply' just to make sure it doesn't happen again!)

The Curriculum

Day 1: Understanding the Power of Creativity

Day 2: How Authentic Video Works

Day 3: What Do I Make Videos About?

Day 4: Crafting Your Video Content

Day 5: How to Capture Footage

Day 6: Editing Video

Day 7: Packaging Your Content

Enjoy and good luck!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

About the author
Jordan Urbs

Craft, Create, and Rock Video!

Join the free club to start your FREE 7-Day Authentic Video Challenge, a micro-course developed to teach you all you need to know to get started rocking video content that sticks.

Authentic Video Club

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